
In January 1995, I had the opportunity to have a holiday in New Zealand. I went there together with my brother. With the tickets we bought we could make two stops on our flights. So we decided to make one stop in California and one in Australia. On a cold and icy Sunday, with still snow left after some cold weather, we took the train to Schiphol (Amsterdam International Airport). On the picture on the left you can see us with our bagpacks, ready for a six week leave.

From Amsterdam we flew with KLM to San Francisco, where we collected our rental car and found ourself a motel. On the photo on the right you see Alcatras in a dark cloud covered San Francisco bay.

On Monday we looked around in San Francisco. A very nice city, not so big as I expected. Unfortunately the weather was bad, a gale passed the bay area the day we arrived, and there was some damage. In the evening we started to drive to the south along the coast. It then started to rain and when we watched TV in our motel we saw that there were floodings and the road we drove a few hours ago, was now closed. And they say, it never rains in California....

The next days we drove to Los Angeles, where we visited some friends. We made some two trips to San Diego (one in the pouring rain), and we visited Las Vegas (The pictures on the left and right). Las Vegas is a nice town to visit, and stay for a evening, but that was long enough for us. After one and a half week California, we had to leave for New Zealand. As our flight would leave at eight o'clock in the evening, we had time to visit Disneyland. This time the weather was fine and as it was a Wednesday in January, Disneyland was not crowed and we had a great day. At four o'clock we started to drive to LAX (Los Angles International Airport) where we delivered our rental car and boarded the non-stop flight to Auckland, New Zealand.
We arrived in Auckland on Friday morning(Thursday disappeared), at seven o'clock. We took a walk to the domestic terminal (very nice after spending 13 hours in an aircraft), and at 10 o'clock we left for Christchurch on the South Island.

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© October 1996, Ferjan van Haselen